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Editing services designed for creators to build their vision

Our team of experienced editors are on a mission to help you edit your podcast, YouTube videos & short-form social media clips to grow your podcast & social media to create the highest-quality content for your audience.

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Meet your new content team 👋

Leave the podcast & YouTube editing to us so you can focus on creating

Every week, take the editing hours off your schedule and connect with your designated member of our editing team for support, high-quality video & audio files within 2 business days.

Creators we've worked with

We proudly work with thousands of creators across the globe

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Bri Islas,
Creator on YouTube

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How we take the editing off your to-do list

Our process is designed to simplify your content creation workflow

Receive edited files within 2 business days

Upload your audio and/or video files in our digital portal that gets immediately sent to our editing team. Within 2 business days, receive your edited files via WeTransfer and email - all packages include 1-round of edit iterations

Receive 2x clips for social media with every episode

We know the importance of promoting your long-form content via short-form social media platforms, which is why all of our editing packages include 2 short-form clips for social media

Connect with a member of the team via Slack for support 

We want you to feel like you have a team behind you! Join our Slack to connect with our founder and a member of the team for questions, feedback and support along the way of your content creation and editing process

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Book a free 15min call with our founder

Connect with a Tess Barclay, founder of Busy Blooming

Let's chat about your brand, what you're looking for in an editor and answer any questions about our process & how we can work together and inquire about custom packages!

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“Having the Busy Blooming Agency edit my podcast episodes every week has been an absolute game-changer for me! Not having to worry about editing has made recording so much fun, and I’m no longer concerned about an episode being too long and taking hours and hours to edit! The team has been amazing to work with, and I cannot recommend them enough! 13/10!”

Destiny, Host of Shut The Fork Up Podcast

2024 Busy Blooming™️ 

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